Saturday, August 4, 2012

RNI Mailbag - December 23, 1990

In 1990 and 1991, I hosted a Sunday radio program on shortwave station WWCR in Nashville, TN.  They were -- and are still today -- a radio time broker.  Allan Weiner of Radio Newyork International (RNI) fame bought 4 hours every Sunday night to bring RNI back to the air -- legally.  I hosted the RNI Mailbag program...but this was not your grandfather's shortwave mailbag program.  We took listener phone calls, had commercial advertisements, and focused on liberal politics.  I enjoyed doing this program.  Allan once told me that his father, Samuel Weiner, called my program a voice of sanity...well perhaps, but we had fun too.  In this particular episode, which aired on December 23, 1990, we focused on censorship and freedom of speech.

You can listen here.

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